This project was one of the biggest software engineering projects I did so I thought I’d like to share this here. This project essentially had two parts to it where we started off making the user interface of the bank database first meaning that all the database functions were stubs. When the interface was run, it printed a welcome message along with the choices in the menu. The user choices were to add a record, print all the records, find a record, or to delete a record. After making the user interface, we started working on the database which was the harder pard of the project since one error in one functions has the possibility to ruin all of the data that was stored. The records were stored in linked lists where each record had a next variable that stored the address of the next record. After finishing the database part of the project we combined both of the codes together to make one banking system.
This was a important part of my studies as a software engineer because although the program was extremely simplified, we got to experience using code to make programs used in real life. It made me think how important testing your code is especially in cases like this where we are creating programs for banks where if in real life, actual money from real people would be involved and any error in the code can become a great problem. There was also a additional part to this assignment where we converted the code that we wrote in C into C++, it was my first time translating programming languages and felt like I was able to get a fair understanding of both worlds.