Ever since I was 7-8 years old, I went to church every sunday with my mother and my little sisters. Not just my friends but everyone there was like a family to me and I’m still in touch with most of them even after I left a few years back. The morning service begins at 9:00am and I me and my family would usually arrive 5 minutes late because we take too much time to get ready to leave the house. When I enter the worship hall, my friends would be sitting in the right side close to the windows and I would quietly make my way to join them. After the pastor gives a quick short-talk to start off the service, the lights on the ceiling turn on the stage as well as the hall. The choir team starts to sings what we called the greeting song, where we all stand up and greet each other one after another.
When I had entered highschool, I was asked to help out with the mechanics team with the lighting and audio for the morning service so I decided to try it out. At first, I was confused with all the buttons and switches that I had no idea what it did. It also felt weird in a sense that I was inside the control room where we were told not to enter as kids. After getting a hang of the basic procedure, I was standing at the control room the next sunday. It was an unforgettable experience mostly because it was something I had always seen happen at the services but had never thought about that someone was controlling all of the lights and audio in the back. I learned that there is always someone working in the back even though I always took it as is it were granted.