It has been about a week since we started this course and just like all the past first weeks of starting a college semester, I am frightened, not just because the whole new concepts that we are going to have to make ourselves familiar to but just the fact the everything is in a sense unknown. A few years back, I heard someone talking about fear and how humans feel the most fear for the future than any other animal. I forgot who or where I heard that from, I just remember how it made me feel so silly being afraid for something that hasn’t even happened yet, but it makes me feel even more silly because I can’t help it.
I know basically nothing about Javascript and until quite recently, I had thought Java and Javascript were the same thing. I know that Javascript is used mainly in websites and that sounds quite exciting atleast for now. One of the things I learned from this module is that functions are first class meaning that functions can be treated as like a variable. In my honest opinion, I’m not sure how that makes Javascript so much better than C++ and Java but I would guess that it makes the code more organized, kind of like having a toolbox you can store your tools for later use. I hope I will have an answer to whether I think Javascript is a good or bad programming language by the end the course because that would indicate that I have a good understanding of the language.
I think athletic sofware engineering is cool in a way that it helps us build up that programmer mind/thinking. After all I believe that using the knowledge with our own hands is the best way for it to become a part of us rather than reading or watching someone else do it. The WODs can be stressful at times because at the end, we know that exact time it took us to do it and how efficient it was based on the grading scale. On the bright side, the WODs are timed so that we don’t waste too much time on a problem that we weren’t able to solve in a given amount of time. Instead, we can go look at the solution and redo the problem. I just wish from the bottom of my heart that I’m not back here writing this essay again next semester.